Monday, October 4, 2010

Asa Wright Nature Centre

When I take my trip to trinidad, I plan on visiting the AWNC ( Asa Wright Nature Centre). The AWNC is known for, bird watching and it provides a nesting for the Oilbird. Trinidad, (Home of about 450 birds, 55 reptiles, 25 amphibians and 617 butterflies) has an observation area for each species. Trip planners may want to visit the center during the dry season in Trinidad ( January - May ), most vegetation is in bloom at that time.

SEVEN nights at the AWNC (Asa Wright Nature Center)  cost from [pounds sterling] 962 per person, including meals, transfers and scheduled flights (About $152.24 in U.S. dollars)

At just 1916 sq. miles (4904 sq. kms - about the size of Goa), it has the most number of bird species per unit area for any country in the world (234 species per 1000 sq. miles, compared with about one species for the same area in India). That means you don't have to travel a lot to find new birds - perfect for the amatures.

Sources - 1.,

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